Clean Off Your Desk Day


Today is #cleanoffyourdeskday. This annual event is celebrated on the second Monday of January and is the ideal day to clear your work area of all the papers and general clutter that has accumulated during the year. So, pens that don’t work, files you haven’t looked at in months, filled notepads, old rubber bands, straightened paper clips etc have to go! It’s a Sorting Day!

The history, origin, and the founder of Clean Off Your Desk Day are unknown but it remains an ideal way to remind us how important it is to have an organized, functional workspace that gives a sense of tranquillity helping us to focus on the work to be done.

However, if like me you’ve been smart working for months, my office seems a memory from the remote past, a place I can only dream of going back to…one day.  In the meantime, my desk has become any flat space where I can stack papers while my pc has found its docking station on my legs!

But even the home office needs to be sorted so, to get into the swing of the day, take a look at how some celebrities keep their home office spaces looking beautiful and then check out these tips from Marie Kondo on how to de-clutter your home office.

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